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Boundary Queen is coming soon!
Do you go along with others to avoid conflict, even though you feel resentful later?

Do you put other people's needs and wants before your own?

Do you accept poor treatment from others, even when you said you wouldn't?

Enter your name and e-mail below to join the waitlist for Boundary Queen!
You are built for more than putting out fires and cleaning up other people's messes.
Is life starting to feel like a high school group project, where you're the A-student who carries the whole team on your back?

Everyone knows you’ll be there in a pinch. 

They know they can count on you.

“It’ll all work out,” they say, failing to realize that things usually work out because you take charge.

People can count on you to let go of your own priorities to put theirs first.

But it’s getting old. 
This dance is exhausting, and quite frankly, it's making you feel 
somewhere between kinda frustrated (on a good day) 
and straight up resentful (at your most raw).
Maybe you've noticed...
  • Your temper is a little (or maybe a lot) shorter.
  • ​Your anxiety (you know, the condition you thought you kicked years ago?) is creeping back in.
  • Health issues are popping up, as if trying make downtime magically non-negotiable.
  • Life just isn’t feeling as good as it looks.
Boundary Queen is a group coaching program 
that will teach you how to:
  • Include yourSELF on the priority list, without feeling overwhelmed or guilty.
  • ​Feel comfortable and confident saying "no" when that's honestly what you want to do.
  • ​Make time for what matters most to you...and get clear on exactly what that is.
  • ​Find energy so you can be present and actually enjoy what's good right now.
  • ​Comfortably express your true feelings without trying to "fix" others.
  • ​Create and maintain healthy boundaries in your life, even with difficult people.
What People are Saying About Working With Brigid
"Brigid is truly interested in bringing it all together—mind, body, and spirit. I have truly thought that she was a gift sent to me. She has given me the tools to get through the hardest year of my life. Truly don’t know how I would have made it through without her."
"Brigid was a tremendous help and support to me throughout our coaching experience. She was thoughtful, patient, funny and insightful, often helping me to see the circumstances of my life in new and meaningful ways. She offered incredibly useful tools and techniques to slow down and identify what I was thinking and feeling during especially challenging experiences. I can't thank her enough for offering me the perspective and accountability that I needed to make some important changes in my life. Brigid is truly wonderful at what she does and I would recommend her in a heartbeat!"
"Brigid’s guidance has really helped me become aware of my priorities and the reasons behind them. It allowed me to be more conscious about decisions I was making in life, work, love, health. As a result, I feel that working with Brigid has been integral to where I am now in terms of my career – I’m actually working on my business and contributing to a women’s network. I feel less overwhelmed and more grounded. My relationship with my parents has improved greatly, as well as my relationship with my boyfriend. I'm in a great place now."

“ I’m a solo entrepreneur and although I’m very motivated and hardworking, I often feel like I’m still not doing enough, or making the best, most productive choices about how to spend my time. Since our work together, I feel more like I can trust myself to make good choices. When I notice myself feeling guilty about taking time for myself, I’m able to let the bad feelings go and instead enjoy and appreciate the time I’m taking for self-care. 
As soon as you start talking to Brigid you know you’re in incredibly capable, caring and knowledgeable hands. She asks great questions and gets right to the heart of what’s going on – and then provides simple, actionable suggestions to help you deal with your issues. I’d recommend working with Brigid to anyone who’s feeling overwhelmed and overworked (which is everyone I know)."
Learn More About Brigid
Known for her deep empathy and grounded approach to personal growth, Brigid Dineen is a Resilience Coach for Women on a Mission. 

She has been teaching, coaching, and supporting women for over a decade as they learn to put themselves on the priority list. Brigid believes in a world where well-being comes first. It all starts with self-care and healthy boundaries. 

As the creator of Breathing Room and Mindfulness for Busy People, she provides practical tools and strategies for self-care to help you reclaim your time, energy and peace of mind.
Copyright 2019 Brigid Dineen
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