Guts & Grace (The Podcast)
How to Create Space for YourSELF in a World That Would Rather You'd Stay SmallGuts & Grace – Episode 8: Choosing Adventure with Sharon Stokes
For many people, adventure is something that happened once upon a time, before "real life" set in. For others, it's something you dream about, and hope to do....someday. In today's episode of Guts & Grace, Sharon Stokes & I take a deep dive into discussing how...
Guts & Grace – Episode 7: Recognizing Greatness with Sarah McVanel
I woke up with the same feeling I had experienced each morning for what felt like forever. “Ugh, really? Can’t I just stay asleep?” Not in the average I-don’t-feel-like-going-to-work-today kind of way. In a seriously-I’d-rather-not-be-conscious kind of way. My bones...
Guts & Grace – Episode 6: Owning Your Badassery with Satya Kothimangalam
Drum roll please!!!! Introducing my first international guest on Guts & Grace! I'm so glad that I met Satya last year. She inspires me with her bubbly energy, adventurous spirit, and badass life! Badassery, after all, is Satya's specialty. She's all about doing...
Guts & Grace – Episode 5: Mindful Communication with Jo Rodrigues
It's not every day that you get to interview your bestie for your podcast, so THIS IS A GOOD DAY!!! Jo & I always love to have deep & meaningful conversations. We have supported each other through the toughest times in each of our lives, so I know firsthand...
Guts & Grace – Episode 4: Moving Through Fear with Ayanna Sealey
My dad dropped me off at school for my first day of senior kindergarten. I was really excited and nervous at the same time. I mean, I wanted what was on the other side of that door - new friends, learning new things, a wonderful teacher to guide my growth. But I was...
Guts & Grace – Episode 3: Authenticity Is An Act of Self-Love with Ritu Bhasin
This topic is near and dear to me. I feel like my whole life, I've been on an epic mission to quiet the voice that tells me who I should be and discover the one that is uniquely an expression of my own soul. That's why I am so excited to share this conversation with...
Guts & Grace Episode 2: Feeling Your Flow with Jenn Walker
Do you try to force yourself to stick with your plans at all costs? Do you expect yourself to be productive in exactly the same way every week? Every day? The world seems to have agreed on a very linear expectation of constant and consistent flow - we show up every...
Guts & Grace – Episode 1: Finding Your Voice with Simone Dalton
I can't begin to tell you how excited I was to have this conversation. I've listened to it a few times since we recorded it, and I feel energized every time. I am beyond passionate about women's stories, and I get so lit up whenever I have the opportunity to have a...