16 ways to say “no” this holiday season

The season of social demands is upon us – or it’s about to be anyway!   Invitations start coming at you from everywhere, and if you’re not careful, you’ll be signing up for burnout before you know it.   A huge part of my work is teaching women how to...
The surprise benefit of #summerofselflove

The surprise benefit of #summerofselflove

I usually feel really weird about my birthday. I procrastinate on making plans, even though, deep down, I really want to do something fun. The day comes and I kind of want to hide under a rock. A couple of years ago, I realized it was because my inner critic would use...
Deciding to Be Whole

Deciding to Be Whole

“it was when i stopped searching for home within others and lifted the foundations of home within myselfi found there were no roots more intimatethan those between a mind and bodythat have decided to be whole”-rupi kaur Oh, these words! This woman. This...
How to Make Your Impractical Dreams Come True

How to Make Your Impractical Dreams Come True

I dreamed of being a singer since I was in the fourth grade. I listened to Tiffany’s album on repeat and learned the lyrics for every Beatles’ song I could find. I was a first soprano in the choir and would make up harmonies with Megan and Janine at recess in middle...