3 Quick Ways to Reclaim Your Time & Energy

3 Quick Ways to Reclaim Your Time & Energy

Do you feel like you have time and energy for what matters most to you? We’re under so much pressure to be there for people, and to fit it all in. Sometimes others are putting the pressure on, and sometimes we do it to ourselves. Regardless of where it’s coming from,...
A Quick Way to Call Your Power Back

A Quick Way to Call Your Power Back

You are powerful beyond measure. Your presence is a force. Your essence is a blessing.   But sometimes you forget. (I do too.)   Sometimes you feel small, drained, deflated. Unable to make an impact.   The truth gets drowned out by our culture. Your...
Boundaries Are A Feminist Issue

Boundaries Are A Feminist Issue

Women are socialized to put everyone else first. We are taught that a “good woman” is always there for others, and in fact derives her greatest fulfillment from being of service. We are taught that a “good woman” is a peacekeeper. A “good woman” is a nurturer first...
I Couldn’t Keep My Promises To Myself

I Couldn’t Keep My Promises To Myself

I used to struggle with commitments that I made to myself.   Commitments I made to others? No problem. I’m there, every time.   But for some reason, when it came to my own goals, I lacked follow through. I struggled to keep the momentum going, and ultimately...