I Knew I Was a Perfectionist When…

I knew I was a perfectionist from a very early age. In this video, I share my first memory of my perfectionism, and the very important lessons I’ve learned over the years as I learned to unsubscribe from my inner critic’s fears. If you’re ready to...
3 Steps to End Over-giving

3 Steps to End Over-giving

Do you ever find yourself giving, giving and giving some more, trying your best to please people and keep the peace? Cassandra is planning a celebration for her father’s birthday. She was trying to make bookings and solidify plans, but she ended up changing the date a...

8 Ways Mindfulness Changed Me

If you google “benefits of mindfulness,” you’ll find some pretty cool stuff. Reduced rumination, stress reduction, improved memory & focus, less emotional reactivity, increase relationship satisfaction…all very cool things, right? But I think it’s important...