How to Find Happiness

Everyone wants to be happy, right? We know we can’t be happy all the time, and I don’t think it’s really about that. Ultimately, we want to feel free to be ourselves, and still loved and accepted. Underneath all the other noise, I think it all comes...
What Women Are Really Like

What Women Are Really Like

I’ve been told a lot of crap about women throughout my life. People have insisted that… Women are vicious to one another. Women can’t be friends. An office full of women is a chaotic nightmare. This has not been my experience. Instead… Women...
It’s Time to Insist on Our Well-Being

It’s Time to Insist on Our Well-Being

I feel the message above so strongly. When I was in university, I studied International Relations and thought I’d head into a career in human rights law. I am passionate about justice and equality and dismantling the systems that would keep certain people’s well-being...
Sisters are Doin’ It for Themselves

Sisters are Doin’ It for Themselves

Women inspire me. Every damn day. Putting other people first feels like a calling for many, but without a serious dose of self-care intentionally inserted along the way, it can be exhausting.  We give and give until there’s nothing left. Then we don’t feel so well. At...
The Whole She

The Whole She

You are invited to drop into your own experience Of this moment. Of this life. Allow your awareness to expand and sense your wholeness Right here. Right now. You are radiant and beautiful and fundamentally worthy Know this. Feel this. Every part of you is allowed to...