A Quick Way to Call Your Power Back

A Quick Way to Call Your Power Back

You are powerful beyond measure. Your presence is a force. Your essence is a blessing.   But sometimes you forget. (I do too.)   Sometimes you feel small, drained, deflated. Unable to make an impact.   The truth gets drowned out by our culture. Your...
How My Workouts Give Me a Growth Mindset

How My Workouts Give Me a Growth Mindset

What we believe about ourselves and the world shapes our choices and ultimately our lives on a fundamental level. Our mindset is like our operating system – a code that holds the parameters for what’s possible and how things are done. In her 2006 book, “Mindset:...
Trying to be Perfect

Trying to be Perfect

As the door closed and my parents’ disappointed faces disappeared from my view, I got really focused. My mission? To prove that they must have gotten it wrong. I really was perfect, and all was actually well. I was mortified. I had reached the ripe old age of 7...

Don’t Shine Too Bright

As a girl, there was nothing that could get me to dim my light. I was a climbing, singing, flipping, dancing, smart, confident kid. Being myself came naturally. I didn’t even question it. Of course, I was well instructed in the rules of social interaction as well. I...
I Couldn’t Keep My Promises To Myself

I Couldn’t Keep My Promises To Myself

I used to struggle with commitments that I made to myself.   Commitments I made to others? No problem. I’m there, every time.   But for some reason, when it came to my own goals, I lacked follow through. I struggled to keep the momentum going, and ultimately...