Does everything feel like a mess RN?

Does everything feel like a mess RN?

“To find and live your unfolding heart’s desire, your deepest truth, requires burning. It requires falling in love with your own mess.” – Jennifer Louden   Falling in love with your own mess. When I read that, I felt it deeply. A wave of relief washed over...
Flatten YOUR Curve

Flatten YOUR Curve

In the past 7 months…   How many graphs have you looked at that showed how we can flatten the curve? How many conversations have you had about ways in which we can honour the capacity of the system? How many adjustments have you made to your life this year to...

I was determined to hold on, no matter what

As I ponder my journey with healthy boundaries, it strikes me that my habit of putting myself last started from a fairly young age. Check out this story about a canoe trip in Algonquin Park, and you’ll see what I mean.   I’d love to hear…did...

I Knew I Was a Perfectionist When…

I knew I was a perfectionist from a very early age. In this video, I share my first memory of my perfectionism, and the very important lessons I’ve learned over the years as I learned to unsubscribe from my inner critic’s fears. If you’re ready to...
We Need To Talk About Anger

We Need To Talk About Anger

On a Sunday afternoon last July, I watched Nanette for the second time. It’s a Netflix special featuring Hannah Gadsby, a Tasmanian comic whose entire set is about how she can’t do comedy anymore. What a roller coaster! I laughed…oh, how I laughed! I was deeply...