Boundaries Are A Feminist Issue

Boundaries Are A Feminist Issue

Women are socialized to put everyone else first. We are taught that a “good woman” is always there for others, and in fact derives her greatest fulfillment from being of service. We are taught that a “good woman” is a peacekeeper. A “good woman” is a nurturer first...
How Many Spoons Do You Have?

How Many Spoons Do You Have?

Adulting is hard. There are so many responsibilities. So much pressure. So little time. No less than one bajillion competing priorities. I can hear that little voice in your head telling you that you should get it all done…then you can start fresh. Then things...
“This job is not that important to me.”

“This job is not that important to me.”

Sometimes I feel like a walking contradiction. I do Crossfit and I eat chocolate every day.  I am a yogi, and I want women to get in touch with their anger. I am all about healthy self-care, and I also binge-watch Netflix with Keegan. (It’s all about balance, right?)...
She’s got skills. Leadership skills.

She’s got skills. Leadership skills.

Keira is a confident person. She’s in tune with herself. She knows what she wants and she articulates it clearly and specifically. If she asks for help and doesn’t get it, she asks again and even shows them what she means. When someone asks her to do something that...