Envision Your Ideal Holiday Season

Envision Your Ideal Holiday Season

I used to dread planning the holiday season. There are so many competing interests, traditions are firmly entrenched, and expectations are high. Do you ever feel pressured to say yes, just to make other people happy? Do you leave your own expectations unattended while...

Chilling Out: The New Way to Achieve Your Goals

  I was at an Ani DiFranco concert a few years back, and she said something that brought me to truly admire her honesty and awareness. She was talking about marrying a man, and the perception that in doing so, she had alienated her lesbian fan base. Interviewers would...

4 Questions to Find Your Truth

I asked my heart some questions, and here’s what I found:   I believe…. …everything is possible. …the heart knows best. …the body holds great wisdom. …we always have a choice. …forgiveness is freedom. …perfectionism...

Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Heart

Do you ever feel like your mind is a cluttered and scary place? Like you could convince yourself to take one action, and almost immediately make an equally convincing argument for the exact opposite choice? We’re trained to rely on our brains from a very young...

The Holidays Part 1: Intention

THE HOLIDAYS PART 1: INTENTION {Special Guest Brigid Dineen, Life Coach} from {plan A} holistic life™ on Vimeo. I’m so pleased to present this video interview! Alicia Mathlin of {plan A} holistic life recently interviewed me about navigating the holidays with...