Trying to be Perfect

Trying to be Perfect

As the door closed and my parents’ disappointed faces disappeared from my view, I got really focused. My mission? To prove that they must have gotten it wrong. I really was perfect, and all was actually well. I was mortified. I had reached the ripe old age of 7...

8 Ways Mindfulness Changed Me

If you google “benefits of mindfulness,” you’ll find some pretty cool stuff. Reduced rumination, stress reduction, improved memory & focus, less emotional reactivity, increase relationship satisfaction…all very cool things, right? But I think it’s important...

How to Find Happiness

Everyone wants to be happy, right? We know we can’t be happy all the time, and I don’t think it’s really about that. Ultimately, we want to feel free to be ourselves, and still loved and accepted. Underneath all the other noise, I think it all comes...
The practice that saved me

The practice that saved me

Thirteen years ago, there was so much dissonance in my life. On paper, my life probably looked pretty good. I’m pretty sure I was the youngest person in management at a large telecommunications company. I had gathered the courage to leave a long term relationship that...