Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Heart

Do you ever feel like your mind is a cluttered and scary place? Like you could convince yourself to take one action, and almost immediately make an equally convincing argument for the exact opposite choice? We’re trained to rely on our brains from a very young...

The Holidays Part 3: Communication

THE HOLIDAYS PART 3: COMMUNICATION {Special Guest Brigid Dineen, Life Coach} from {plan A} holistic life™ on Vimeo. Here is the third and final video in our Holiday Series. Alicia & I jam about how intention and mindfulness feed into a healthy communication...

The Holidays Part 2: Mindfulness

THE HOLIDAYS PART 2: MINDFULNESS {Special Guest Brigid Dineen, Life Coach} from {plan A} holistic life™ on Vimeo. Part 2 is here and it’s all about Mindfulness! Mindfulness is a powerful, transformative practice that leads to greater awareness. I recently sat...