Does everything feel like a mess RN?

Does everything feel like a mess RN?

“To find and live your unfolding heart’s desire, your deepest truth, requires burning. It requires falling in love with your own mess.” – Jennifer Louden   Falling in love with your own mess. When I read that, I felt it deeply. A wave of relief washed over...
Tired of Rebelling Against Your Routine?

Tired of Rebelling Against Your Routine?

As a Type-A-ish, recovering perfectionist, Virgo, former over-achiever, you’ d think that I’d be a sucker for a good routine. I mean, my name even has the word “rigid” in it. I’ve spent most of my life being pretty tightly wound, needing to know the plan, and...

I was determined to hold on, no matter what

As I ponder my journey with healthy boundaries, it strikes me that my habit of putting myself last started from a fairly young age. Check out this story about a canoe trip in Algonquin Park, and you’ll see what I mean.   I’d love to hear…did...
Self-Care Confetti for Stressful Times

Self-Care Confetti for Stressful Times

I conducted a poll on social media the other day, asking people what symptoms of stress they’re experiencing. The top 5 responses were: Trouble focusing/concentrating. Short temper. Increased reliance on unhealthy coping strategies. Trouble sleeping. No energy,...
A Calming Breath for Stressful Times

A Calming Breath for Stressful Times

When I’m feeling stressed and craving a sense of calm, I have a go-to breath practice that never fails me. Maybe you’ve heard of it – Bee’s Breath. It’s such a powerful practice for a few reasons: It activates the parasympathetic nervous system (that’s the rest...