Don’t Shine Too Bright

As a girl, there was nothing that could get me to dim my light. I was a climbing, singing, flipping, dancing, smart, confident kid. Being myself came naturally. I didn’t even question it. Of course, I was well instructed in the rules of social interaction as well. I...

16 ways to say “no” this holiday season

The season of social demands is upon us – or it’s about to be anyway!   Invitations start coming at you from everywhere, and if you’re not careful, you’ll be signing up for burnout before you know it.   A huge part of my work is teaching women how to...
Loving Myself Sounds Too Hard. Where Do I Start?

Loving Myself Sounds Too Hard. Where Do I Start?

Loving ourselves can be hard. Hell, there are days when it might seem impossible.   As soon as I start talking about self-love, I can hear the voice in your head already, starting to list all the things you DON’T love about yourself. It’s like when I...